Sebelum kita bahas tentang unsur-unsur pendukung kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris, perlu anda ketahui dahulu tentang hirarki dalam bahasa. Hirarki tersebut bisa kita lihat dalam diagram berikut.
Dari diagram diatas dapat dilihat bahwa paragraph tersusun dari kumpulan kalimat-kalimat. Kalimat (sentence) tersusun oleh klausa (clause) atau juga kalimat adalah klause itu sendiri. Sementara kalimat ataupun klausa tersusun dari frase (phrase), dan frase tersusun oleh adanya kata. Kata terdiri dari kumpulan huruf yang membentuk makna.
Dalam hal ini kita akan belajar tentang unsur pendukung kalimat atau biasa dikenal dengan Basic Sentence Pattern (Pola Kalimat Dasar).
Yang pertama-tama perlu diingat adalah adanya perbedaan antara Bahasa Inggris dengan bahasa Indonesia dalam Pola Kalimat Dasar. Perbedaannya adalah dalam bahasa Inggris setiap kalimat selalu mengandung verb (kata kerja). Ini tidak selalu kita temukan dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Sebagai contoh:
Dua-duanya memiliki Kata kerja:
Saya minum madu setiap hari.
I drink honey everyday.
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia tidak memiliki kata kerja, dalam bahasa inggris memiliki kata kerja:
Amelia gadis yang cantik.
Amelia is a beautiful girl.
Pada contoh kalimat diatas bisa dilihat bahwa sebuah kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris selalu membutuhkan verb (kata kerja).
Kata yang digarisbawahi tersebut adalah kata kerja. Kata drink adalah proper verb, sementara kata is adalah linking verb.
Jadi, bila dalam kalimat yang anda buat tidak ada kata kerjanya (kalimat nominal), maka harus anda isi kata kerjanya dengan linking verb atau be.
Be berubah sesuai dengan tenses dan subject kalimat.
Subject | Tense | |||
Present | Past | Perfect | Future/setelah modal | |
I | am | was | been | be |
You | are | were | been | be |
we | are | were | been | be |
They | are | were | been | be |
He | is | was | been | be |
She | is | was | been | be |
It | is | was | been | be |
Di dalam suatu naskah pidato, karangan atau tulisan ilmiah, bisa kita temukan beberapa jenis kalimat dengan berbagai variasi bentuknya. Namun demikian kalimat-kalimat yang panjang atau kompleks sebenarnya hanyalah suatu perluasan dari kalimat-kalimat sederhana, atau kalimat dasar. Di dalam Bahasa Inggris kita mengenal pola kalimat dasar antara lain: (1) S P, (2) S P C, (3) S P O, (4) S P IO DO, (5) S P DO prep IO, dan (6) S P O C.
Adv= time when
Place where
Manner how
Reason why
frequency how often
1. Subject + Predicate.
The baby is sleeping.
The visitors left.
The train has arrived.
The plane is taking off.
The convict collapsed.
2. Subject + Predicate + Complement
The new car is expensive.
The man is a political criminal.
The people in the meeting are police officers.
Honesty is the best policy.
New theories often sound promising.
3. Subject + Predicate + Object
Everybody is talking about the game.
The students have just finished their assignments.
Not many people master political sciences.
The students did not understand the instructions.
Some people hate politics.
4. Subject + Predicate + Indirect Object + Direct Object.
My friend sent me some postcards.
We borrow him some books.
They bought us a new computer.
The boy threw the dog a stone.
My father gave me some money.
5. Subject + Predicate + Direct Object + Preposition + Indirect Object.
My friend sent some postcards to me.
We borrow some books from him.
They bought a new computer for us.
The boy threw a stone at the dog.
My father gave some money to me.
6. Subject + Predicate + Object + Complement.
We appointed him chairman.
She considered me brother.
He called us traitors.
We believe him true.
They thought me wrong.
* Bila ada pertanyaan mengenai Materi Kuliah 1 silahkan tulis di comment.
name : Retno widiastutik
ReplyDeleteNIM : 116
saya ingin bertanya tentang pengerjaan tgs,berarti untuk pngerjaannya itu tinggal dikerjakan pada kolom comment yg ada di task 1 itu ya pak?
trimakasih sebelumnya
Betul. Silahkan diisi di comment.
ReplyDeleteName :Nissa Nurjannah
ReplyDeleteNim :A320110117
1. The train has arrived
s : The train
p : has arrived
2. The plane is talking off
s : The plane
p : is
c : talking off
3. The convict collapsed
s : The convict
p : collapsed
4. The man is a political criminal
s : The man
p : is
c : a political criminal
5. The people in the meeting are police officers
s : The people in the meeting
p : are
c : police officers
6. Honesty is the best policy
s : Honesty
c : is the best policy
7. New theories often sound promising
s : New theories
p : often sound
c : promising
8. The students have just finished their assignment
s : The students
p : have just finished
o : their assignment
9. Not many peopel master political sciences
s : Not many people
p : master
o : political sciences
10. The students did not understand the intruction
s : The students
p : did not understand
o : the intructions
11. some people hate politics
s : some people
p : hate
o : politics
12. My friend sent me some postcard
s : My friend
p : sent
D.o: me
I.o: some postcard
13. we borrow him some books
s : we
p : borrow
D.o: him
I.o: some book
14. They bought a new computer
s :they
p : bought
D.o: us
I.o:a new computer
15. The boy threw the dog a stone
s : The boy
p : threw
D.o : the dog
I.o : a stone
ReplyDeleteName : Oktavia Herawati
NIM : A320110082
Progdi : English Department
1.The train has arrived.
S : The train
P : has arrived
2. The plane is taking off.
S :The plane
P : is taking off
3. The convict collapsed.
S : The convict
P : collapsed
4. The man is a political criminal.
S : The man
P : is
C : a political criminal
5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
S : The people in the meeting
P : are
C : police officers
6. Honesty is the best policy.
S : Honesty
P : is
C : the best policy
7. New theories often sound promising.
S : New theories
P : often
C : sound promising
8. The students have just finished their assignment.
S : The students
P : have just finished
O : their assignment
9. Not many people master political sciences.
S : Not many people
P : master
O : political sciences
10. The students did not understand the instructions.
S : The students
P : did not
O : understand the instructions
11. Some people hate politics.
S : Some people
P : hate
O : politics
12. My friend sent me some postcards.
S : My friend
P : sent
IO : me
DO : some postcards
13. We borrow him some books.
S : We
P : borrow
IO : him
DO : some books
14. They bought us a new computer.
S : They
P : bought
IO : us
DO : a new computer
15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
S : The boy
P : threw
IO : the dog
DO : a stone
Notes : S = Subject
P = Predicate
IO = Indirect Object
DO = Direct Object
Name : Yunita Fitria Rachmat
ReplyDeleteNIM : A 320110120
Class: 1D
1. The train has arrived
s : The train
p : has arrived
2. The plane is talking off
s : The plane
p : is
c : talking off
3. The convict collapsed
s : The convict
p : collapsed
4. The man is a political criminal
s : The man
p : is
c : a political criminal
5. The people in the meeting are police officers
s : The people in the meeting
p : are
c : police officers
6. Honesty is the best policy
s : Honesty
p : is
c : the best policy
7. New theories often sound promising
s : New theories
p : often sound
c : promising
8. The students have just finished their assignment
s : The students
p : have just finished
o : their assignment
9. Not many peopel master political sciences
s : Not many people
p : master
o : political sciences
10. The students did not understand the intruction
s : The students
p : did not understand
o : the intructions
11. some people hate politics
s : some people
p : hate
o : politics
12. My friend sent me some postcard
s : My friend
p : sent
DO: me
IO: some postcard
13. we borrow him some books
s : we
p : borrow
DO: him
IO: some book
14. They bought a new computer
s :they
p : bought
DO: us
IO:a new computer
15. The boy threw the dog a stone
s : The boy
p : threw
DO: the dog
IO: a stone
1.The train has arrived
S=The train
P=has arrived
2.The plane is taking off
S=The plane
P=is taking off
3.The convict collapsed
S=The convict
4.The man is a political criminal
S=The man
C=a political criminal
5.The people in the meeting are police officers
S=The people in the meeting
C=police officers
6.Honesty is the best policy
P=is the best policy
7.New theories often sound promising
S=New theories
P=often sound
8.The students have just finished their assignments
S=The students
P=have just finished
O=their assignments
9.Not many people master political sciences
S=Not many people
O=political sciences
10.The students did not understand the instructions
S=The students
P=did not
O=understand the instructions
11.Some people hate politics
S=Some people
12.My friends sent me some post cards
S=My friends
DO=some post cards
13.We borrow him some books
DO=some books
14.They bought us a new computer
DO=a new computer
15.The boy threw the dog a stone
S=The boy
IO=the dog
DO=a stone
Nama:Denty kurniawati
1.the train has arrived
s:the train
p:has arrived
2.the plane is taking of
s:the plane
c:taking of
3.the convict collapsed
s:the convict
4.the man is a political criminal
s:the man
c:a political criminal
5.the people in the meeting are police officers
s:the people in the meeting
c:police officers
6.honesty is the best policy
c:the best policy theories often sound promising
s:new theories
c:sound promising
8.the students have just finished their assigment
s:the students
p:have just finished
o:their assigments
9.not many people master political sciences
s:not many people
10.the students did not understand the instructions
s:the students
p:did not
o:understand the instructions
11.some people hate politics
s:some people
o:politics friend sent me some postcards
s:my friend
DO:some postcards
13.we borrow him some books
DO:some books
14.they bought us a new computer
DO:a new computer
15.the boy threw the dog a stone
s:the boy
IO:the dog
DO:a stone
ReplyDeleteName : Ajeng Riza
Nim : A 320080314
Class : D
1.The train has arrived
S=The train
P=has arrived
2.The plane is taking off
S=The plane
P=is taking off
3.The convict collapsed
S=The convict
4.The man is a political criminal
S=The man
C=a political criminal
5.The people in the meeting are police officers
S=The people in the meeting
C=police officers
6.Honesty is the best policy
P=is the best policy
7.New theories often sound promising
S=New theories
P=often sound
8.The students have just finished their assignments
S=The students
P=have just finished
O=their assignments
9.Not many people master political sciences
S=Not many people
O=political sciences
10.The students did not understand the instructions
S=The students
P=did not
O=understand the instructions
11.Some people hate politics
S=Some people
12.My friends sent me some post cards
S=My friends
DO=some post cards
13.We borrow him some books
DO=some books
14.They bought us a new computer
DO=a new computer
15.The boy threw the dog a stone
S=The boy
IO=the dog
DO=a stone
NIM : A320080305
1.The train has arrived
S=The train
P=has arrived
2.The plane is taking off
S=The plane
P=is taking off
3.The convict collapsed
S=The convict
4.The man is a political criminal
S=The man
C=a political criminal
5.The people in the meeting are police officers
S=The people in the meeting
C=police officers
6.Honesty is the best policy
P=is the best policy
7.New theories often sound promising
S=New theories
P=often sound
8.The students have just finished their assignments
S=The students
P=have just finished
O=their assignments
9.Not many people master political sciences
S=Not many people
O=political sciences
10.The students did not understand the instructions
S=The students
P=did not
O=understand the instructions
11.Some people hate politics
S=Some people
12.My friends sent me some post cards
S=My friends
DO=some post cards
13.We borrow him some books
DO=some books
14.They bought us a new computer
DO=a new computer
15.The boy threw the dog a stone
S=The boy
IO=the dog
DO=a stone
NIM : A320110081
1. The train has arrived
S= The train
P= has arrived
2. The plane is taking off
S= The plane
P= is taking off
3. The convict collapsed
S= The convict
P= collapsed
4. The man is a political criminal
S= The man
P= is
C= a political criminal
5. The people in the meeting are police officers
S= The people in the meeting
P= are
C= police officers
6. Honesty is the best policy
S= the best policy
P= is
C= honesty
7. New theories often sound promising
S= New theories
P= often sound
C= promising
8. The students have just finished their assignments
S= The students
P= have just finished
O= their assignments
9. Not many people master political sciences
S= Not many people
P= master
O= political sciences
10. The students did not understand the instructions
S= The students
P= did not understand
O= the instructions
11. Some people hate politics
S= Some people
P= hate
O= politics
12. My friends sent me some post cards
S= My friends
P= sent
IO= me
DO= some post cards
13. We borrow him some books
S= We
P= borrow
IO= him
DO= some books
14. They bought us a new computer
S= They
P= bought
IO= us
DO= a new computer
15. The boy threw the dog a stone
S= The boy
P= threw
IO= the dog
DO= a stone
NAME:Lusi Ayu Setyowati
ReplyDeleteNIM :A320110103
Kelas: D
1.The train has arrived.
S:the train
P:has arrived
2.The plane is taking off.
S:the plane
P:is taking off
3.The convict collapsed
S:the convict
4.The man is a political criminal.
S:the man
C:a political criminal
5.The people in the meeting are police officers.
S:the people in the meeting
C:police officers
6.Honesty is the best policy
C:the best policy
7.New theories often sound promising.
S:new theories
C:sound promising
8.The students have just finished their assaigments.
S:the students
P:have just finished
P:their assaigments
9.Not many people master political sciences.
S:not many people
C:political sciences
10.The students did not understand the instructions.
S:the students
P:did not understand
C:the instructions
11.Some people hate politics.
S:some people
12.My friends sent me some post cards.
S:my friends
DO:some post cards
13.We borrow him some books.
DO:some books
14.They bought us a new computer.
DO:a new computer
15.The boy threw the dog a stone.
S:the boy
IO:the dog
DO:a stone
ReplyDeleteNIM : A 320110050
1.The train has arrived.
S : The train
P : has arrived
2. The plane is taking off.
S :The plane
P : is taking off
3. The convict collapsed.
S : The convict
P : collapsed
4. The man is a political criminal.
S : The man
P : is
C : a political criminal
5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
S : The people in the meeting
P : are
C : police officers
6. Honesty is the best policy.
S : Honesty
P : is
C : the best policy
7. New theories often sound promising.
S : New theories
P : often
C : sound promising
8. The students have just finished their assignment.
S : The students
P : have just finished
O : their assignment
9. Not many people master political sciences.
S : Not many people
P : master
O : political sciences
10. The students did not understand the instructions.
S : The students
P : did not
O : understand the instructions
11. Some people hate politics.
S : Some people
P : hate
O : politics
12. My friend sent me some postcards.
S : My friend
P : sent
IO : me
DO : some postcards
13. We borrow him some books.
S : We
P : borrow
IO : him
DO : some books
14. They bought us a new computer.
S : They
P : bought
IO : us
DO : a new computer
15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
S : The boy
P : threw
IO : the dog
DO : a stone
Notes : S = Subject
P = Predicate
IO = Indirect Object
DO = Direct Object
ReplyDeleteNIM : A 320110111
1. The train has arrived.
S= The train
P= has arrived
2. The plane is taking off.
S= The plane
P= is taking off
3. The convict collapsed.
S= The convict
P= collapsed
4.The man is a political criminal.
S= the man
P= is
C= a political criminal
5. The people in the meeting art police officers.
S= The people in the the meeting art
P= art
C= police officers
6.Honesty is the best policy.
S= Honesty
P= is
O= the best policy
7. New theories often sound promising.
S= New theories
P= often
C= sound promise
8. The students have just finished their assignments.
S= the students
P= have just finished
O= their assignments
9. Not many people master political sciences.
S= Not many people
P= master
O= political sciences
10. The students did not understand the instructions.
S= The students
P= did not understand
O=the instructions
11. Some people hate politics.
S= Some people
O= politics
12. My friends sent me some post cards.
S= My friends
P= sent
O= me
DO= some postcards
13. We borrow him some books.
S= We
P= borrow
IO= me
DO= some books
14.They bought us a new computer.
S= They
P= bought
IO= us
DO= a new computer
15.The boy threw the dog a stone.
S= The boy
P= threw
IO= the dog
DO= a stone
ReplyDeleteNIM : a320110019
1.The train has arrived
S= The train
P= has arrived
2.The plane is taking off
S= The plane
P= is taking off
3.The convict collapsed
S= The convict
P= collapsed
4.The man is a political criminal
S= The man
P= is
C= a political criminal
5.The people in the meeting are police officers
S=The people in the meeting
C=police officers
6.Honesty is the best policy
S= Honesty
P= is the best policy
7.New theories often sound promising
S= New theories
P= often sound
C= promising
8.The students have just finished their assignments
S= The students
P= have just finished
O= their assignments
9.Not many people master political sciences
S= Not many people
P= master
O= political sciences
10.The students did not understand the instructions
S= The students
P= did not
O= understand the instructions
11.Some people hate politics
S=Some people
12.My friends sent me some post cards
S= My friends
P= sent
IO= me
DO= some post cards
13.We borrow him some books
S= We
P= borrow
IO= him
DO= some books
14.They bought us a new computer
S= They
P= bought
IO= us
DO= a new computer
15.The boy threw the dog a stone
S= The boy
P= threw
IO= the dog
DO= a stone
Name : Yuli Dias Damayanti
ReplyDeleteNIM : A320110064
Class: C
1. The train has arrived
S:The train
P:has arrived
2. The plane is taking off
S:The plane
P:is taking off
3. The convict collapsed
S:The convict
4. The man is a political criminal
S:The man
C:A Political criminal
5. The people in the meeting are police officer
S:the people in the meeting
C:police officer
6. Honesty is the best policy
C:the best policy
7. New theories often sound promising
S:new theories
C:sound promising
8. The students have just finished their assignments
S:The students
P:have just finished
O:their assignments
9. Not many people master political sciences
S:not many people
O:political sciences
10. The students did not understand the instructions
S:the students
P:did not understand
O:The instructions
11. Some people hate politic
S:Some people
12. my friend sent me some postcards
S:my friend
DO:some books
13. we borrow him some books
DO:some book
14. they bought us a new computer
DO:a new computer
15. The boy threw the dog a stone
S:the boy
ID:the dog
DO:a stone
ReplyDeleteName : Elvida Risna Wulan
NIM : A320110024
Progdi : English Departement
Class : A
Task 1
1. The train has arrived
S : The train
P : has arrived
2. The plane is taking off
S : The plane
P : is taking off
3. The convict collapsed
S : The convict
P : collapsed
4. The new car is expensive
S : The new car
P : is
C : expensive
5. The man is a political criminal
S : The man
P : is
C : a political criminal
6. Honesty is the best policy
7. Everybody is talking about the game
S : Everybody
P : is talking about
O : the game
8. The students have just finished their assignment
S : The students
P : have just finished
O : their asssignment
9. Some people hate politics
S : Some people
P : hate
O : politics
10. My friend sent me some postcards
S : My friend
P : sent
IO: me
DO: some poscards
11. We borrow him some books
S : We
P : borrow
IO: him
DO: some books
12. My father gave me some money
S : My father
P : gave
IO: me
DO: some money
13. They bought a new computer for us
S : They
P : bought
DO: a new computer
P : for
IO: us
14. The boy threw a stone at the dog
S : The boy
P : threw
DO: a stone
P : at
IO: the dog
15. My father gave some money to me
S : My father
P : gave
DO: some money
P : to
IO: me
16. We appointed him chairman
S : We
P : appointed
O : him
C : chairman
17. We believe him true
S : We
P : believe
O : him
C : true
18. They thought me wrong
S : They
P : thought
O : me
C : wrong
Name :Hestuningtyas Maharani Perdana
ReplyDeleteNIM :A.320110021
Class:A/English Departement
1.The train has arrived.
S :The train
P :has arrived
2.The plane is taking off.
S :The plane
P :is taking off
3.The convict collapsed.
S :The convict
P :collapsed
4.The man is a political criminal.
S :The man
P :is
C :political criminal
5.The people in the meeting are police officers.
S :The people in the meeting
P :are
C :police officers
6.Honesty is the best policy.
S :Honesty
P :is
C :the best policy
7.New theories often sound promising
S :New theories
C :often
P :sound promising
8.The students have just finished their assigments.
S :The students
P :have just finished
O :their assigments
9.Not many people master political sciences
S :Not many people
P :master
O :political sciences
10.The students did not understand the instuctions.
S :The students
P :did not understand
O :the instructions
11.Some people hate politics.
S :Some people
P :hate
O :politics
12.My friend send me some postcards.
S :My friend
P :send
DO:some postcards
13.We borrow him some books
S :we
P :borrow
DO:some books
14.They bought us a new computer.
S :they
P :bought
DO:a new computer
15.The boy threw the dog a stone.
S :The boy
P :threw
IO :the dog
DO:a stone
ReplyDeleteNIM : A 320110041
1. The train has arrived.
S= The train
P= has arrived
2. The plane is taking off.
S= The plane
P= is taking off
3. The convict collapsed.
S= The convict
P= collapsed
4.The man is a political criminal.
S= the man
P= is
C= a political criminal
5. The people in the meeting art police officers.
S= The people in the the meeting art
P= art
C= police officers
6.Honesty is the best policy.
S= Honesty
P= is
O= the best policy
7. New theories often sound promising.
S= New theories
P= often
C= sound promise
8. The students have just finished their assignments.
S= the students
P= have just finished
O= their assignments
9. Not many people master political sciences.
S= Not many people
P= master
O= political sciences
10. The students did not understand the instructions.
S= The students
P= did not understand
O=the instructions
11. Some people hate politics.
S= Some people
O= politics
12. My friends sent me some post cards.
S= My friends
P= sent
O= me
DO= some postcards
13. We borrow him some books.
S= We
P= borrow
IO= me
DO= some books
14.They bought us a new computer.
S= They
P= bought
IO= us
DO= a new computer
15.The boy threw the dog a stone.
S= The boy
P= threw
IO= the dog
DO= a stone
ReplyDeleteNIM : A 320110060
1. The train has arrived
S : The train
P : has arrived
2. The plane is taking off
S : The plane
P : is taking off
3. The convict collapsed
S : The convict
P : collapsed
4. The man is a political criminal
S : The man
P : is
C : a political criminal
5. The people in the meeting are police officers
S : The people in the meeting
P : are
c : police officers
6. Honesty is the best policy
S : Honesty
P : is
O : the best policy
7. New theorist often sound promising
S : New theorist
P : often
C : sound promising
8. The students have just finished their
S : The students
P : have just finished
O : their assignment
9. Not many people master political science
S : Not many people
P : master political science
10. The students did not understand the instructions
S : The students
P : did not understand
O : the instructions
11. Some people hate politics
S : Some people
P : hate
O : politics
12. My friend sent me some postcards
S : My friend
P : sent
IO: me
DO: some postcards
13. We borrow him some books
S : We
P : borrow
IO: him
DO: some postcards
14. They bought us a new somputer
S : They
P : bought
IO: us
DO: a new computer
15. The boy threw the dog a stone
S : The boy
P : threw
IO: the dog
DO: a stone
ReplyDeleteNIM : A 320110060
1. The train has arrived
S : the train
P : has arrived
2. The plane is taking off
S : the plane
P : is taking off
3. The convict collapsed
S : the convict
P : collapsed
4. The man is a political criminal
S : the man
P : is
C : a political criminal
5. The people in the meeting are police officers
S : the people in the meeting
P :are
C : police officers
6. Honesty is the best policy
S : honesty
P : is
O : the best policy
7. New theorist often sound promising
S : New theorist
P : often sound promising
8. The students have just finished their assignment
S : the students
P : have just finished
O : their assignment
9. Not many people master political science
S : not many people
P : master political science
10. The students did not understand the instruction
S : the students
P :did not understand
O : the instructions
11. Some people hate politics
S :some people
P : hate
O : politics
12. My friend sent me some postcards
S : my friends
P : sent
IO: me
DO:some postcards
13. We borrow him some books
S : we
P :borrow
IO: him
DO: some books
14. They bought us a new computer
S : they
P : bought
IO: us
DO: a new computer
15. The boy threw the dog a stone
S : the boy
P : threw
IO: the dog
DO: a stone
ReplyDeleteNIM : A. 320 11 0020
1.The train has arrived.
S:the train
P:has arrived
2.The plane is taking off.
S:the plane
P:is taking off
3.The convict collapsed
S:the convict
4.The man is a political criminal.
S:the man
C:a political criminal
5.The people in the meeting are police officers.
S:the people in the meeting
C:police officers
6.Honesty is the best policy
C:the best policy
7.New theories often sound promising.
S:new theories
C:sound promising
8.The students have just finished their assignments.
S:the students
P:have just finished
O:their assignments
9.Not many people master political sciences.
S:not many people
P:master political sciences
10.The students did not understand the instructions.
S:the students
P:did not understand
C:the instructions
11.Some people hate politics.
S:some people
12.My friends sent me some post cards.
S:my friends
DO:some post cards
13.We borrow him some books.
DO:some books
14.They bought us a new computer.
DO:a new computer
15.The boy threw the dog a stone.
S:the boy
IO:the dog
DO:a stone
ReplyDeletepak saya mau tanya tentang task 2 itu gmn?
saya kurang paham sama soalnya itu..
sebelumnya terimakasih ya pak..
Name : Arista Nur Prihatini
ReplyDeleteclass : A
NIM : A 3200110012
1. The train has arrived
S : the train
P : has arrived
2. The plane is taking off
S : the plane
P : is taking off
3. The convict collapsed
S : the convict
P : collapsed
4. The man is a political criminal
S : the man
P : is
C : a political criminal
5. The people in the meeting are police officers
S : the people in the meeting
P :are
C : police officers
6. Honesty is the best policy
S : honesty
P : is
O : the best policy
7. New theorist often sound promising
S : New theorist
P : often sound promising
8. The students have just finished their assignment
S : the students
P : have just finished
O : their assignment
9. Not many people master political science
S : not many people
P : master political science
10. The students did not understand the instruction
S : the students
P :did not understand
O : the instructions
11. Some people hate politics
S :some people
P : hate
O : politics
12. My friend sent me some postcards
S : my friends
P : sent
IO: me
DO:some postcards
13. We borrow him some books
S : we
P :borrow
IO: him
DO: some books
14. They bought us a new computer
S : they
P : bought
IO: us
DO: a new computer
15. The boy threw the dog a stone
S : the boy
P : threw
IO: the dog
DO: a stone
Nama :Rifki Rinaldi
ReplyDeleteNIM :A.320110099
negative :
1.The man is not running.
2.The woman on the street are english students.
3.He did not drink milk.
4.My father did not transfer me monay.
5.Lisa did not buy coffee to Roni.
6.She did not make me nervouse.
Interogative :
1.Is she pretty?
2.Are they walking?
3.What are you talking?
4.Whey was he give you money?
5.Did Lisa buy coffee to Roni?
6.Whey did she make you nervouse?
Imperrative :
1.Don't touch me.
3.Please close the window.
4.Open the book.
5.Clean the floor.
6.Don't speak loudly.
Nama : retno widiastutik
ReplyDeletenim : a 320110116
slmt malam pak,maaf mengaggu..
saya ingin bertanya tntg task III
itu hanya mencari subject saja kan?tidak perlu objek atau yg lain'y?
trimakasih sblum'y
I am very happy to be able to get a lot of informations on how to improve our concept understanding about the structures of learning English well.That's why I'd like to say thanks for all.