Monday, September 26, 2011


Bacalah dulu materi kuliah 1, kemudian bacalah soal, masukkan jawaban anda di form comment sebelum tanggal 25 September 2011

Identify each element of the sentences
The new car is expensive.
S: The new car
P: is
C: expensive

1.       The train has arrived.
2.       The plane is taking off.
3.       The convict collapsed.
4.       The man is a political criminal.
5.       The people in the meeting are police officers.
6.       Honesty is the best policy.
7.       New theories often sound promising.
8.       The students have just finished their assignments.
9.       Not many people master political sciences.
10.   The students did not understand the instructions.
11.   Some people hate politics.
12.   My friend sent me some postcards.
13.   We borrow him some books.
14.   They bought us a new computer.
15.   The boy threw the dog a stone.


  1. Assigment structure 1
    NIM : A320110101

    1. The train has arrived.
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S : the cnvict
    P : collapsed
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S : honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S : new theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments
    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S : Not many people master
    P : political
    O : sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO: some postcards
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S : we
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some book
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S : they
    P : bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  2. Nama : Wahyu Purbosari
    NIM : A320110069
    Class : C

    1. The train has arrived.
    S: The train
    P: has arrived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    S: The plane
    P: Is taking off
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S: The convict
    P: collapse
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S: The man in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officers
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S: Honesty
    P: is the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often sound
    C: promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignment
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment
    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people master
    P: political
    O: sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instruction
    S: The students
    P : did not understand
    O: the instruction
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S: my friend
    P: sent
    IO: me
    DO: some postcard
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S: we
    P borrow
    IO: him
    DO: some books
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S: they
    P: bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  3. Nama : Febriyama Tyarshantara
    NIM : A320110105
    Class : D

    1. The train has arrived.
    S: The train
    P: has arrived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    S: The plane
    P: Is taking off
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S: The convict
    P: collapse
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S: The man in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officers
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S: Honesty
    P: is the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often sound
    C: promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignment
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment
    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people master
    P: political
    O: sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instruction
    S: The students
    P : did not understand
    O: the instruction
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S: my friend
    P: sent
    IO: me
    DO: some postcard
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S: we
    P borrow
    IO: him
    DO: some books
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S: they
    P: bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

    NIM : A 320110061
    Kelas : c

    1.The train has arrived
    S : the train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : the plane
    P : is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed

    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    o : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    O : police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : honesty
    P : is
    O : the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : new theories
    adV : often
    P : sound
    C : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have finished
    C : just
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    C : Not many people master political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    C : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friends
    P : sent
    I.O : me
    D.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    I.O : him
    D.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    I.O. : us
    D.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    O : the dog
    C : a stone

    NIM : A 320110067
    CLASS : C

    1.The train has arrived
    S : the train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : the plane
    P : is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    o : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    O : police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : honesty
    P : is
    O : the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : new theories
    adV : often
    P : sound
    C : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have finished
    C : just
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    C : Not many people master political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    C : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friends
    P : sent
    I.O : me
    D.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    I.O : him
    D.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    I.O. : us
    D.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    O : the dog
    C : a stone

    NIM : A 320110096
    Kelas : D

    1.The train has arrived
    S : the train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : the plane
    P : is
    C : taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : honesty
    C : is the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : new theories
    P : OFTEN sound
    C : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friend
    P : sent
    D.O : me
    I.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    D.O : him
    I.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    D.O. : us
    I.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    D.O. : the dog
    I.O. : a stone

    NIM : A 320 110 048
    Kelas: B

    1.The train has arrived
    S : the train
    P : has arrived
    2.The plane is taking off
    S : the plane
    P : is
    C : taking off
    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed
    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officers
    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : honesty
    C : is the best policy
    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : new theories
    P : OFTEN sound
    C : promising
    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments
    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences
    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions
    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friend
    P : sent
    D.O : me
    I.O : some postcards
    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    D.O : him
    I.O : some books
    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    D.O.: us
    I.O : a new computer
    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    D.O. : the dog
    I.O. : a stone

  8. name:anika oktafiana r.

    1.the train has arrived
    s:the train
    p:has arrived
    2.the plane is taking off.
    s:the plane
    p:is taking off
    3.the convict collapsed
    s:the convict
    4.the man is a political criminal
    s:the man
    c:a political criminal
    5.the people in the meeting are police officers
    s:the people in the meeting
    c:police officers
    6.honesty is the best police
    c:the best police theories often sound promising
    s:new theories
    c:sound promising
    8.the student did not understand the instruction
    s:the student
    p:did not understand
    o:the instruction
    9.note many people master political sciences
    s:note many people
    o:political sciences
    10.the student did not understand the intruction
    s:the student
    p:did not understand
    o:the intruction
    11.some people hate politics
    s:some people
    o:politics friend sent me some post card
    s:my friend
    d.O:some post card
    13.we borrow him some books
    d.o:some books
    14,they bought us a new computer
    d.o:a new computer
    15.the boy threw the dog a stone
    s:the boy
    i.o:the dog
    d.o:a stone

  9. NAMA : Agwiadam Putra Pramasurya
    NIM : A.320110084
    CLASS : C

    1.The train has arrived
    S : The train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : The plane
    P : is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : The man
    P : is
    o : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : The people in the meeting
    P : are
    O : police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : Honesty
    P : is
    O : the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : New theories
    P : sound
    C : often promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : The students
    P : have finished
    C : just
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : The students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    C : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : My friends
    P : sent
    I.O : me
    D.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    I.O : him
    D.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : bought
    I.O. : us
    D.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    O : the dog
    C : a stone

  10. Nama : Heru iriyanto
    NIM : A320110091
    Class : C

    1) The train has arrived.
    S: The train
    P: has arrived
    2) The plane is taking off.
    S: The plane
    P: Is taking off
    3) The convict collapsed.
    S: The convict
    P: collapse
    4) The man is a political criminal.
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal
    5) The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S: The man in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officers
    6) Honesty is the best policy.
    S: Honesty
    p: is the best policy
    7) New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often sound
    C: promising
    8) The students have just finished their assignment
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment
    9) Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people master
    P: political
    O: sciences
    10) The students did not understand the instruction
    S: The students
    P : did not understand
    O: the instruction
    11) Some people hate politics.
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics
    12) My friend sent me some postcards.
    S: my friend
    P: sent
    iO: me
    DO: some postcard
    13)We borrow him some books.
    S: we
    P: borrow
    IO: him
    DO: some books
    14) They bought us a new computer.
    S: they
    P: bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15)The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

    NIM : A 320 110 080
    KELAS : C

    1. the train has arrived
    S: the train
    P: has arrived

    2. the plane is taking off
    S: the plane
    P: is
    C: taking off

    3. the confict collapsed
    S: the covict
    P: collapsed

    4. the man is a political criminal
    S: the man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5. the people in the meeting are police offices
    S: the people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police office

    6. honesty is the best policy
    S: honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7. new theoris often sound promising
    S: new theoris
    adV: often
    P : sound
    C : promising

    8. the students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9. not many people master political sciences
    S: not many people
    P: master
    O: political sciences

    10. the students did not understand the instructions
    S: the student
    P: did not understand
    O: the instructions

    11. some people hate politics
    S: some people
    P: hate
    O: politics

    12. my friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friends
    P : sent
    I.O : me
    D.O : some postcards

    13. we borrow him some books
    S: we
    P: borrow
    I.O: him
    D.O: some books

    14. they bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    I.O. : us
    D.O : a new computer

    15. the boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    O : the dog
    C : a stone

  12. NAME : Ananda Dhira Anoraga
    NIM : A.320110085
    CLASS : C

    1.The train has arrived
    S : The train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : The plane
    P : is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : The man
    P : is
    o : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : The people in the meeting
    P : are
    O : police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : Honesty
    P : is
    O : the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : New theories
    P : sound
    C : often promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : The students
    P : have finished
    C : just
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : The students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    C : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : My friends
    P : sent
    I.O : me
    D.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    I.O : him
    D.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : bought
    I.O. : us
    D.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    O : the dog
    C : a stone

  13. name Titik Kurniawati
    NIM A320110113
    Class C

    1.The train has arrived
    S : The train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : The plane
    P : is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : The man
    P : is
    o : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : The people in the meeting
    P : are
    O : police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : Honesty
    P : is
    O : the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : New theories
    P : sound
    C : often promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : The students
    P : have finished
    C : just
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : The students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    C : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : My friends
    P : sent
    I.O : me
    D.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    I.O : him
    D.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : bought
    I.O. : us
    D.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    O : the dog
    C : a stone

    NIM : A 320110070
    KELAS : C

    1.The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P: has arrived
    2.The plane is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off
    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed
    4.The man is a political criminal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers
    S: The people
    P: in the meeting
    C: are police officers
    6. Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising
    8. The students did not understand the instructions
    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instructions
    S: The students
    P: did not
    O: understand the instructions
    11. Some people hate politics
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics
    12.My friend sent me some poscard
    S: My friend
    P: sent
    I: me
    D: some poscard
    13. We borrow him some books
    S: We
    P: borrow
    I: him
    D: some books
    14. They bought us a new computer
    S: They
    P: bought
    I: us
    D: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    D: the dog
    I: a stone

    NIM :A 320110066

    1.The train has arrived
    S;The train
    P;has arrived
    2.The plane is taking off
    S;The plane
    P;is taking off
    3.The convict collapsed
    S;The convict
    4.The man is a political criminal
    S;The man
    C;a political criminal
    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S;The people in the meeting
    C;police officer
    6.Honesty is the best policy
    C;the best policy
    7.New theories often sound promising
    S;New theories
    C;sound promising
    8.The students have just finished their assignment
    S;The students
    P;have just finished
    O;their assignment
    9.Not many people master political science
    S;Not many people
    O;political science
    10.The students didn't understand the instruction
    S;The students
    P;didn't understand
    O;the instruction
    11.Some people hate politics
    S;Some people
    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S;My friend
    DO;some postcards
    13.We borrow him some books
    DO;some books
    14.They bought us a new computer
    DO;a new computer
    15.They threw the dog a stone
    IO;the dog
    DO;a stone

  16. Name : Jajang Nooralam
    NIM : A 3200110097
    Class: D

    1.The train has arrived
    S:The train
    P:Has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S:The plane
    P:Is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S:The convict

    4.The man is a political criminal
    S:The man
    C:A political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S:The people in the meeting
    C:Police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    C:The best policy

    7.New thories often sound promising
    S:New theories
    C:Sound promising

    8.The stunents have just finished their assignments
    S:The students
    P:Have just finished
    O:Their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S:Not many people
    O:Political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S:The students
    P:Did not understand
    O:The instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S:Some people

    12.My friend sent me some post cards
    S:My friend
    DO:Some post cards

    13.We borrow him some books
    DO:Some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    DO:A new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S:The boy
    IO:The dog
    DO:A stone

  17. nama : ayu mustika ningsih
    nim :a.320110074

    1.the train has arived
    s:the train
    p: has arrived
    2.the plane is taking off
    s:the plane
    p:is taking off
    3.the convict collapsed
    s:the the convict
    4.the man is a political criminal
    s:the man
    c: a politicial criminal
    5.the people in the meeting are poice officers
    s:the people the meeting
    c;police officers
    6.honesty is the best policy
    c:best policy theories often sound promising
    s:new theories
    c:sound promising
    8.the student did not understand the intruction
    s:the student
    p:did not understand
    o:the intruction
    9.note many people master political sciences
    s:not many people
    o:political sciences
    10.the student did not understand the intruction
    s:the student
    p:did not understand
    o:the intructions
    11.some people late poitics
    s:some people
    o:politics friend sent me some post cards
    s:my friend
    i.o :me
    D.O : sme post cards
    13.we borrow him some books
    s: we
    d.o: some books
    14.they bought us a new computer
    d.o:a new computer
    15. they boy threw the dog a stone
    s:they boy
    i.o: the dog
    d.o: a stone

    NIM : A. 320110075
    CLASS : C

    1.The train has arrived.
    S : The train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off.
    S : The plane
    P : taking off

    3.The convict collapsed.
    S : The convict
    P : collapsed

    4.The man is a political criminal.
    S : The man
    P : IS
    C : politica criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : The people
    P : in the meeting
    C : are police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy.
    S : Honesty
    P : Is
    C : the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising.
    S : New theories
    P : Sound
    C : often
    O : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments.
    S : The students
    P : Have Just finished
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences.
    S : Not many people
    P : master political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : understand the instructions

    11.Some people hate political sciences
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : political sciences

    12.My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : Me
    IO : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books.
    S : We
    P : borrow
    IO : Him
    DO : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer.
    S : They
    P : bought
    IO : us
    DO : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    IO : the dog
    DO : a stone

    NIM : A320110055
    CLASS : B

    1)The train has arrived
    S : The train
    P : Has arrived
    2)The plane is taking off
    S : The plane
    P : Is taking off
    3)The convict collapsed
    S : The convict
    P : Collapsed
    4)The man is a political criminal
    S : The man
    P : Is
    C : A political criminal
    5)The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : The people in the meeting
    P : Are
    C : Police officers
    6)Honesty is the best policy
    S : Honesty
    P : Is
    C : The best policy
    7)New theories often sound promising
    S : New theories
    P : Often sound
    C : Promising
    8)The students have just finished their assignments
    S : The students
    P : Have just finished
    O : Their assignments
    9)Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people master
    P : Political
    O : Sciences
    10)The students did not understand the instructions
    S : The students
    P : Did not understand
    O : The instructions
    11)Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : Hate
    O : Politics
    12)My friendsent me some postcards
    S : My friend
    P : Sent
    IO: Me
    DO: Some postcards
    13)We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : Borrow
    IO: Him
    DO: Some books
    14)They bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : Bought
    IO: Us
    DO: A new computer
    15)The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : The boy
    P : Threw
    IO: The dog
    DO: A stone

  20. Name : Edi Prabowo
    NIM : 320110083

    1.The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P: has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4.The man is a political criminal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S: The people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising

    8.The student have just finished their assignment
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S: The students
    P: did not understan
    O:the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcard
    S: My friend
    P: sent
    IO: me
    DO: some postcard
    13.We borrow him some books
    S: We
    P: borrow
    IO him:
    DO: some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S: They
    P: bought
    IO: him
    DO: some books

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO:a stone

  21. nama:agustin cahyaningsih
    nim:A 320110073

    1.the train has arrived
    s:the train
    p:has arrived
    2.the plane is taking off
    s:the plane
    p:is taking off
    3.the convict collapsed
    s:the convistp:collaped
    4. the men is political criminal
    s;the man
    o:a political criminal
    5.the people the meeting are police officers
    s: the people in the meeting
    c:police officers
    6.honesty is the best police
    C:the best police
    7new theories often sound promising
    s:new theories
    c:some promising
    8.the student did not understand the instrution
    s:the student
    p:did not understand
    o:the instruion
    9.note many people master political sciences
    s:note many people
    o:political sciences
    1o.the student did not understand the intruction
    s:the student
    p:did not understsnd
    o:the intrucions
    11.some people hate politics
    s:some people
    o:politics friend sent me some post cards
    s:my friend
    d.o:some post cards
    13.we borrow him some books
    d.o:some books
    14.they bought a new computer
    d.o:a new computer
    15.the boy threw the dog a stone
    s:the boy
    i.o:the dog
    d.o: a stone

    NIM :A. 3201100086
    CLASS :C

    1.S:the train
    P: has arrived
    2.S:the plane
    P:is taking off
    3.S:the convict
    4.S:the man
    C:political criminal
    5.S:the people in the meeting
    C:police officers
    C:the best policy
    7.S:new theories
    C:sound promising
    8.S:the students
    P:have just finished
    O:their assignments
    9.S:not many people
    O:political sciences
    10.S:the students
    P:did not understand
    O:the instructions
    11.S:some people
    12.S:my friend
    DO:some postcard
    DO:some books
    DO:a new computer
    15.S:they boy
    IO:the dog
    DO: a stone

  23. nama:wiwin sartika dewi
    nim : 320110072
    1.the train has arrived
    s:the train
    p:has arrived
    2.the plane is taking off
    s:the plane
    p:is taking off
    3.the covict collapsed
    s:the convict
    4.the man is political criminal
    s:the man
    c:a political criminal
    5.the people in the meeting are police officers
    s:the people in the meeting
    c:police officers
    6.honesty is the best policy
    c:THE BEST theories often sound promissing
    s:new theories
    c:sound promissing
    8.the student did not understand the instruction
    s:the student
    p:did not understand
    o:the instuction
    9.note many people master political scinces
    s:note many people
    o:political sciences
    10.the student did not understand the intruction
    s:the student
    p:did not understnd
    o:the instrution
    11.some people hate politics
    s:some people
    12my friend sent me some post cards
    s:my friend
    d.o:some post cards
    13.we borrow him some books
    d.o:some books
    14.they bought us a new computer
    d.o:a new computer
    15.the boy threw the dog a stone
    s:the boy
    i.o:the dog
    d.o:a stone

    NIM : A 320 110 046
    Kelas: 1B

    1.The train has arrived
    S : the train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : the plane
    P : is
    C : taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : honesty
    C : is the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : new theories
    P : OFTEN sound
    C : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friend
    P : sent
    D.O : me
    I.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    D.O : him
    I.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    D.O.: us
    I.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    D.O. : the dog
    I.O. : a stone

    NIM : A 3201110047
    KELAS: B

    1.The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P: has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4.The man is a political criminal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S: The people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising

    8.The student have just finished their assignment
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S: The students
    P: did not understan
    O:the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcard
    S: My friend
    P: sent
    O: me
    DO: some postcard
    13.We borrow him some books
    S: We
    P: borrow
    IO him:
    DO: some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S: They
    P: bought
    IO: him
    DO: some books

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO:a ston

  26. Name:Risky puspita sari
    Nim :A.320110037
    Class :B

    1.The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P: has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4.The man is a political criminal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S: The people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising

    8.The student have just finished their assignment
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S: The students
    P: did not understan
    O:the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcard
    S: My friend
    P: sent
    O: me
    DO: some postcard
    13.We borrow him some books
    S: We
    P: borrow
    IO him:
    DO: some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S: They
    P: bought
    IO: him
    DO: some books

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO:a ston

    NIM : A. 320 11 0057
    KALAS: 1B

    1.The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P: has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4.The man is a political criminal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S: The people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising

    8.The student have just finished their assignment
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S: The students
    P: did not understan
    O:the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcard
    S: My friend
    P: sent
    IO: me
    DO: some postcard
    13.We borrow him some books
    S: We
    P: borrow
    IO him:
    DO: some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S: They
    P: bought
    IO: him
    DO: some books

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO:a stone

  28. nama:ALEX KURNIADI
    1.The train has arrived
    S:The train
    P:Has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S:The plane
    P:Is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S:The convict

    4.The man is a political criminal
    S:The man
    C:A political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S:The people in the meeting
    C:Police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    C:The best policy

    7.New thories often sound promising
    S:New theories
    C:Sound promising

    8.The stunents have just finished their assignments
    S:The students
    P:Have just finished
    O:Their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S:Not many people
    O:Political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S:The students
    P:Did not understand
    O:The instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S:Some people

    12.My friend sent me some post cards
    S:My friend
    DO:Some post cards

    13.We borrow him some books
    DO:Some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    DO:A new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S:The boy
    IO:The dog
    DO:A stone

    NIM : A. 320 11 0059
    KELAS: 1B

    1.The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P: has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4.The man is a political criminal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S: The people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising

    8.The student have just finished their assignment
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S: The students
    P: did not understan
    O:the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcard
    S: My friend
    P: sent
    IO: me
    DO: some postcard
    13.We borrow him some books
    S: We
    P: borrow
    IO him:
    DO: some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S: They
    P: bought
    IO: him
    DO: some books

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO:a stone

    NIM : A320110035
    KELAS : 1B

    1.the train has arrived
    s:the train
    p:has arrived
    2.the plane is taking off
    s:the plane
    p:is taking off
    3.the covict collapsed
    s:the convict
    4.the man is political criminal
    s:the man
    c:a political criminal
    5.the people in the meeting are police officers
    s:the people in the meeting
    c:police officers
    6.honesty is the best policy
    c:THE BEST theories often sound promissing
    s:new theories
    c:sound promissing
    8.the student did not understand the instruction
    s:the student
    p:did not understand
    o:the instuction
    9.note many people master political scinces
    s:note many people
    o:political sciences
    10.the student did not understand the intruction
    s:the student
    p:did not understnd
    o:the instrution
    11.some people hate politics
    s:some people
    12my friend sent me some post cards
    s:my friend
    d.o:some post cards
    13.we borrow him some books
    d.o:some books
    14.they bought us a new computer
    d.o:a new computer
    15.the boy threw the dog a stone
    s:the boy
    i.o:the dog
    d.o:a stone

    NIM :A320110058
    KELAS :B
    1.The train has arrived
    S : the train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : the plane
    P : is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    o : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    O : police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : honesty
    P : is
    O : the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : new theories
    adV : often
    P : sound
    C : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have finished
    C : just
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    C : Not many people master political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    C : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friends
    P : sent
    I.O : me
    D.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    I.O : him
    D.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    I.O. : us
    D.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    O : the dog
    C : a stone

    NIM :A.320110056

    1.The train has arrived
    S : the train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : the plane
    P : is
    C : taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : honesty
    C : is the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : new theories
    P : OFTEN sound
    C : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friend
    P : sent
    D.O : me
    I.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    D.O : him
    I.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    D.O.: us
    I.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    D.O. : the dog
    I.O. : a stone

  33. Name: Doni Kurniawan
    NIM: A320110106
    1.The train has arrived
    S:The train
    P:Has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S:The plane
    P:Is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S:The convict

    4.The man is a political criminal
    S:The man
    C:A political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S:The people in the meeting
    C:Police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    C:The best policy

    7.New thories often sound promising
    S:New theories
    C:Sound promising

    8.The stunents have just finished their assignments
    S:The students
    P:Have just finished
    O:Their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S:Not many people
    O:Political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S:The students
    P:Did not understand
    O:The instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S:Some people

    12.My friend sent me some post cards
    S:My friend
    DO:Some post cards

    13.We borrow him some books
    DO:Some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    DO:A new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S:The boy
    IO:The dog
    DO:A stone

  34. RENTY DEVI APRILIYANASeptember 22, 2011 at 8:17 PM

    NIM : A 320110032
    KELAS : 1B

    1.The train has arrived
    S : the train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : the plane
    P : is
    C : taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : honesty
    C : is the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : new theories
    P : OFTEN sound
    C : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friend
    P : sent
    D.O : me
    I.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    D.O : him
    I.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    D.O.: us
    I.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    D.O. : the dog
    I.O. : a stone

  35. name : Retno widiastutik
    nim : A320110116
    kelas : C

    1. The train has arrived.
    S:the train
    P:has arrived

    2. The plane is taking off.
    S:the Plane
    P:is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed.
    S:the convict

    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S:the man
    C:political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S:the people in the meeting
    O:police officers

    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    C:the best policy

    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S:New theories
    C:sound promising

    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S:the students
    P:have just finished
    O:their assigment

    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political science

    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S:the students
    P:did not understand
    O:the instructions

    11. Some people hate politics.
    S:some people

    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S:my friend
    DO:some postcards

    13. We borrow him some books.
    DO:some books

    14. They bought us a new computer.
    DO:a new computer

    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S:the boy
    IO:the dog
    DO:a stone

    NIM :A320110102
    KELAS :C
    1.The train has arrived
    S:The train
    P:Has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S:The plane
    P:Is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S:The convict

    4.The man is a political criminal
    S:The man
    C:A political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S:The people in the meeting
    C:Police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    C:The best policy

    7.New thories often sound promising
    S:New theories
    C:Sound promising

    8.The stunents have just finished their assignments
    S:The students
    P:Have just finished
    O:Their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S:Not many people
    O:Political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S:The students
    P:Did not understand
    O:The instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S:Some people

    12.My friend sent me some post cards
    S:My friend
    DO:Some post cards

    13.We borrow him some books
    DO:Some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    DO:A new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S:The boy
    IO:The dog
    DO:A stone

    NIM :A320110054
    1. the train has arrived
    S: the train
    P: has arrived

    2. the plane is taking off
    S: the plane
    P: is
    C: taking off

    3. the confict collapsed
    S: the covict
    P: collapsed

    4. the man is a political criminal
    S: the man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5. the people in the meeting are police offices
    S: the people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police office

    6. honesty is the best policy
    S: honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7. new theoris often sound promising
    S: new theoris
    adV: often
    P : sound
    C : promising

    8. the students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9. not many people master political sciences
    S: not many people
    P: master
    O: political sciences

    10. the students did not understand the instructions
    S: the student
    P: did not understand
    O: the instructions

    11. some people hate politics
    S: some people
    P: hate
    O: politics

    12. my friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friends
    P : sent
    I.O : me
    D.O : some postcards

    13. we borrow him some books
    S: we
    P: borrow
    I.O: him
    D.O: some books

    14. they bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    I.O. : us
    D.O : a new computer

    15. the boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    O : the dog
    C : a stone

  38. nama:alfi wahyu ningrum

    1. The train has arrived
    s:The train
    P:has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S:The plane
    P:is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S:The convict

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S:The man
    C:a political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officers
    S:The people in the meeting
    C:police officers

    6. Honesty is the best policy
    C:the best policy

    7. New theories often sound promising
    S;New theories
    C:sound promising

    8. The students have just finished their assigments
    S:The students
    P:have just finished
    O:their assignments

    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S:Not many people
    O:political sciences

    10. The students did not understand the instructions
    S: The students
    P:did not understand
    O:the instructions

    11. Some people hate politics
    S:Some people

    12. My friend sent me some postcards
    S:My friend
    DO:some postcards

    13. We borrow him some books
    DO:some books

    14. They bought us a new computer
    DO:a new computer

    15. The boy threw the dog a stone
    S:The boy
    IO:the dog
    DO:a stone

  39. Nama : Sherly Dwi Kurmaningrum
    NIM : A 320110039
    KELAS : B

    1.The train has arrived
    S : the train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : the plane
    P : is
    C : taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : honesty
    C : is the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : new theories
    P : OFTEN sound
    C : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friend
    P : sent
    D.O : me
    I.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    D.O : him
    I.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    D.O.: us
    I.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    D.O. : the dog
    I.O. : a stone


    1. The train has arrived.
    S:the train
    P:has arrived

    2. The plane is taking off.
    S:the Plane
    P:is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed.
    S:the convict

    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S:the man
    C:political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S:the people in the meeting
    O:police officers

    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    C:the best policy

    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S:New theories
    C:sound promising

    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S:the students
    P:have just finished
    O:their assigment

    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political science

    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S:the students
    P:did not understand
    O:the instructions

    11. Some people hate politics.
    S:some people

    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S:my friend
    DO:some postcards

    13. We borrow him some books.
    DO:some books

    14. They bought us a new computer.
    DO:a new computer

    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S:the boy
    IO:the dog
    DO:a stone

  41. Structure NAMA = SUMARDI
    NIM = 320110079
    CLAS = C

    1.The train has arrived
    S = the train
    P = has
    O = arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    Subject = the plane
    Predicate = is taking off

    3. the convict collapsed
    Subject = the convict
    Predicate = collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S = The man
    P = Is a political criminal

    5. the people in the meeting are police officers
    S = The people
    C = In the meeting
    P = Are
    O = Police officers

    6. Honesty is the best policy
    Subject = honesty
    Predicate = is the best
    object = policy

    7. New theories often sound promising
    New theories = subject
    Often = predicate
    Sound promising= object

    8. The student have just finished their assignment
    S = the student
    P = have
    O = just finished
    C = their assingnment

    9. Not many people master political sciences
    Not many people = subject
    Master political = object
    Sciences = predicate

    10. The students did not understand the instructions
    S = the students
    P = did not
    O = understand
    C = the instructions

    11. Some people hate politics
    Some people = subject
    Hate = predicate
    Politics = object

    12. My friend sent me some post cards
    My friend = subject
    Sent = predicate
    Me = indirect object
    Some post card = direct object

    13. We borrow him some books
    We = subject
    Borrow = predicate
    Him = indirect object
    Some books = direct object

    14. They bought us a new computer
    They = subject
    Bought = predicate
    Us = indirect object
    A new computer = direct object

    15. The boy threw the dog a stone
    The boy = subject
    Threw = predicate
    The dog = indirect object
    A stone = direct object

    NIM : A320110092
    CLASS : C

    1. The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P: has arrived

    2. The plane is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4.The man is a political crimimal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S: The people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising

    8.The new student have just finished their assignment
    S: The new student
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment

    9.Not many people master political science
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political science

    10.The student did not understand the instruction
    S: The student
    P: did not understand
    O: the instruction

    11.Some people hate politics
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S: My friend
    P: sent
    iO :me
    dO: some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S: We
    P: borrow
    dO: some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S: They
    P: bought
    iO: us
    dO: a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    iO: the dog
    dO: a stone

  43. Nama:Siti Fatchiyah
    NIM :A320110029

    1. The train has arrived.
    S:the train
    P:has arrived

    2. The plane is taking off.
    S:the Plane
    P:is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed.
    S:the convict

    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S:the man
    C:political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S:the people in the meeting
    O:police officers

    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    C:the best policy

    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S:New theories
    C:sound promising

    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S:the students
    P:have just finished
    O:their assigment

    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political science

    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S:the students
    P:did not understand
    O:the instructions

    11. Some people hate politics.
    S:some people

    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S:my friend
    DO:some postcards

    13. We borrow him some books.
    DO:some books

    14. They bought us a new computer.
    DO:a new computer

    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S:the boy
    IO:the dog
    DO:a stone

    NIM : A.320110089
    KELAS : C

    structure 1

    1.The train has arrived
    S :The train
    P :Has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S :The plane
    P :Is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S:The convict

    4.The man is a political criminal
    S :The man
    P :Is
    C :A political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S :The people in the meeting
    P :Are
    C :Police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S :Honesty
    P :Is
    C :The best policy

    7.New thories often sound promising
    S :New theories
    P :Often
    C :Sound promising

    8.The stunents have just finished their assignments
    S :The students
    P :Have just finished
    O :Their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S :Not many people
    P :Master
    O :Political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S :The students
    P :Did not understand
    O :The instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S :Some people
    P :Hate
    O :Politics

    12.My friend sent me some post cards
    S :My friend
    P :Sent
    DO:Some post cards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S :We
    P :Borrow
    DO:Some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S :They
    P :Bought
    DO:A new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S :The boy
    P :Threw
    IO:The dog
    DO:A stone

    NIM : A 320 11 0005
    KELAS : A

    1. The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P: has arrived

    2. The plane is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4.The man is a political crimimal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S: The people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising

    8.The new student have just finished their assignment
    S: The new student
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment

    9.Not many people master political science
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political science

    10.The student did not understand the instruction
    S: The student
    P: did not understand
    O: the instruction

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO :me
    DO : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    IO :him
    DO : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : bought
    IO : us
    DO: a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

    NIM : A 320 11 0004
    KELAS : A

    1. The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P: has arrived

    2. The plane is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4.The man is a political crimimal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S: The people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising

    8.The new student have just finished their assignment
    S: The new student
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment

    9.Not many people master political science
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political science

    10.The student did not understand the instruction
    S: The student
    P: did not understand
    O: the instruction

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO :me
    DO : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    IO :him
    DO : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : bought
    IO : us
    DO: a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  47. NAMA : Arief baskoro
    NIM : A 320 11 0001

    Kelas : A

    1.The train has arrived

    s : the train
    p : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off

    S: the plane
    P: is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed

    S: The convict
    P : collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal

    S: the man
    P : is
    object : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers

    S: the people in the meeting
    P: are
    Object : police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S: honesty
    P: is: the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising

    S: new theories
    a: often
    P : sound
    Com: promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments

    S: the students
    P : have finished
    Com: just
    O: their assignments

    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people master
    P: political
    O: sciences
    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    C : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friends
    P : sent
    I.O : me
    D.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    I.O : him
    D.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    I.O. : us
    D.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    O : the dog
    C : a stone

  48. 1. The train has arrived
    S = the train
    P = has arrived
    2. The plane is taking off
    S = the plane
    P = is taking off
    3. The convict collapsed
    S = the convict
    P = collapsed
    4. The man is a political criminal
    S = The man
    P = is
    C = a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officer
    S = The people in the meeting
    P = are
    C = police officer
    6. Honesty is the best policy
    S = Honesty
    P = is
    C = the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising
    S = New theories
    P = often
    C = Sound promising
    8. The new student have just finished their assigment
    S = The new student
    P = have just finished
    O = their assigment
    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S = Not many people
    P = master
    O = political sciences
    10. The student did not understand the intructions
    S = The student
    P = didn't understand
    O = the intructions
    11. Some people hate politics
    S = Some people
    P = Hate
    O = politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards
    S = my friend
    P = sent
    IO = me
    DO = some postcards
    13. We borrow him somebody
    S = We
    P = borrow
    IO = him
    DO = somebody
    14. They bought us a new computer
    S = They
    P = bought
    IO = us
    DO = a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone
    S = The boy
    P = threw
    IO = the dog
    DO = a stone

  49. Maaf ya bapak lupa di kasih nama yang "Meyga Red princess" tadi.

    Nama : Mega Rahmawati
    Nim : A320110112
    Kelas : D

  50. Assigment structure 1
    NAMA : Fachrunnisa' Santoso
    NIM : A32011095

    1. The train has arrived.
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S : the cnvict
    P : collapsed
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S : honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S : new theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments
    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S : Not many people master
    P : political
    O : sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO: some postcards
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S : we
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some book
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S : they
    P : bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  51. Assigment structure 1
    NAMA : Fathiya Az zahra
    NIM : A320110002
    1. The train has arrived
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S : the cnvict
    P : collapsed
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S : honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S : new theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments
    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S : Not many people master
    P : political
    O : sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO: some postcards
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S : we
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some book
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S : they
    P : bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  52. Assigment structure 1
    NAMA : Aisyah Rolitasari
    NIM : A320110094
    1. The train has arrived
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S : the cnvict
    P : collapsed
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S : honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S : new theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments
    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S : Not many people master
    P : political
    O : sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO: some postcards
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S : we
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some book
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S : they
    P : bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  53. Name : Raih puspita Sari
    NIM : A320110068
    Class: C

    1) The train has arrived.
    S : the train
    P : has arrived
    2) The plane is taking off.
    S : the plane
    P : is taking off
    3) The convict collapsed.
    S : the convict
    P : collapsed
    4) The man is a political criminal.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    5) The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officers
    6) Honesty is the best policy.
    S : honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy
    7) New theories often sound promosing.
    S : new theories
    P : often sound
    C : promosing
    8) The students have just finished their assignment.
    S : the students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignment
    9) Not many people master political sciences.
    S : not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences
    10)The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : the students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions
    11)Some people hate politics.
    S : some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12)My friend sent me some postcard.
    S : my friend
    P : sent
    IO: me
    DO: some postcard
    13)We borrow him some books.
    S : we
    P : borrow
    IO: him
    DO: some books
    14)They bought us a new computer.
    S : they
    P : bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15)The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  54. Assigment structure 1

    Name : Ardika Rizki Prihantoro
    Nim : A 320110052
    Class: Structure 1 B

    answer :

    1. The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P: has arrived

    2. The plane is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officers
    S: The people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officers

    6. Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7. New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    Adv: often
    P: sound
    C: promising

    8. The students have just finished their assignments
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignments

    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political sciences

    10. The students did not understand the instructions
    S: The students
    P: did not understand
    O: the instructions

    11. Some people hate politics
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics

    12. My friend sent me some postcards
    S: My friend
    P: sent
    I.O: me
    D.O: some postcards

    13. We borrow him some books
    S: We
    P: borrow
    I.O: him
    D.O: some books

    14. They bought us a new computer
    S: They
    P: bought
    I.O: us
    D.O: a new computer

    15. The boy threw the dog a stone
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    O: the dog
    C: a stone

  55. NAME : Indah Maratus Sholikah
    NIM : A 320110028
    CLASS : A

    1.The train has arrived
    Subject : The train
    Predicate : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    Subject : The plane
    Predicate : is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    Subject : The convict
    Predicate : collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    Subject : The man
    Predicate : is
    Object : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    Subject : The people in the meeting
    Predicate : are
    Object : police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    Subject : Honesty
    Predicate : is
    Object : the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    Subject : New theories
    Predicate : often
    Complement : Sound promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    Subject : The student
    Predicate : have just finished
    Object : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    Subject : Not many people
    Predicate : master
    Object : political science

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    Subject : The students
    Predicate : did not understand
    Object : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    Subject : some people
    Predicate : hate
    Complement : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    Subject : my friends
    Predicate : sent
    Indirect Object : me
    Direct Object : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    Subject : we
    Predicate : borrow
    Indirect Object : him
    Direct Object : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    Subject : they
    Predicate : bought
    Indirect Object : us
    Direct Object : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    Subject : the boy
    Predicate : threw
    Indirect Object : the dog
    Direct Object : a stone

  56. nama:anthien bhinthamie

    1. The train has arrived
    s:The train
    P:has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S:The plane
    P:is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S:The convict

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S:The man
    C:a political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officers
    S:The people in the meeting
    C:police officers

    6. Honesty is the best policy
    C:the best policy

    7. New theories often sound promising
    S;New theories
    C:sound promising

    8. The students have just finished their assigments
    S:The students
    P:have just finished
    O:their assignments

    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S:Not many people
    O:political sciences

    10. The students did not understand the instructions
    S: The students
    P:did not understand
    O:the instructions

    11. Some people hate politics
    S:Some people

    12. My friend sent me some postcards
    S:My friend
    DO:some postcards

    13. We borrow him some books
    DO:some books

    14. They bought us a new computer
    DO:a new computer

    15. The boy threw the dog a stone
    S:The boy
    IO:the dog
    DO:a stone

  57. NAME : Medista Ayu Ningsih
    NIM : A 320110098
    Class : C

    1.The train has arrived
    S:The train
    P:has arrived
    2.The plane is taking off
    S:The plane
    P:is taking off
    3:The confict collapse
    S:The confict
    4.The man is political criminal
    S:The man
    C:political criminal
    5.The people in the meeting is police officers
    S:the people in meeting
    C:police officers
    6.Honesty is the best policy
    C:the best policy
    7.New therories often sound promising
    S:New therories
    C:sound promising
    8.The students have just finished their assigment
    S:The students
    P:have just finished
    O:their assiment
    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S:Not many people
    O:political sciences
    10.The student did not understand the instructions
    S:The student
    P:did not understand
    O:the instuctions
    11.Some people hate politic
    S:Some people
    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S:My friend
    DO:some postcards
    13.We borrow him some books
    DO:some books
    14.They bought us a new computer
    DO:a new computer
    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S:The boy
    IO:the dog
    DO:a stone

    NIM: A320110015
    CLASS: A

    1.The train has arrived.
    S: The Train
    P: has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off.
    S:The plane
    P:is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed.
    S:The convict

    4.The man is a political criminal.
    S:The man
    P:is political

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S:The people
    P:in the meeting
    C:are police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy.
    P:is the best

    7.New theories often sound promising.
    S:New teoris
    C:sound promosing

    8.The students have just finished their
    S:The student
    P:have just finished
    O:their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences.
    S:Not many people
    P:master political

    10.The students did not understand the instructions.
    S:The students
    P:did not understand
    O:the intructions

    11.Some people hate politics.
    S:Some people

    12.My friend sent me some postcards.
    S:My friend
    DO:some postcard

    13.We borrow him some books.
    DO: some books

    14.They bought us a new computer.
    DO:a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S:The boy
    IO:the dog
    DO:a stone

  59. Nama : INDRIYANI
    NIM : A.320110008
    kelas: A

    1. The train has arrived
    S : The train
    P : has arrived

    2. The plane is taking off
    S : The plane
    P : is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed
    S : The convict
    P : collapsed

    4. The man is political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : The people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officers

    6. Honesty is the best policy
    S : Honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy

    7. New theories often sound promosing
    S : New theories
    P : often sound
    C : promosing

    8. The students have just finished their assignment
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignment

    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences

    10. The students did not understand the instructions
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions

    11. Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12. My friend sent me some postcard
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO : some postcard

    13. We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some boks

    14. They bought us a new computer
    S :They
    P : bought
    IO : us
    DO : a new computer

    15. The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    IO : the dog
    DO : a stone

  60. Name : Adiya wahyu pemadi
    NIM : A320110090

    1.The train has arrived.
    S : The train
    P : has arrived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    S :The plane
    P : is taking off
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S : The convict
    P : collapsed
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S : The man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : The people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officers
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S : Honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S : New theories
    P : often
    C : sound promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignment.
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignment
    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : The students
    P : did not
    O : understand the instructions
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO : some postcards
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S : We
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some books
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S : They
    P : bought
    IO : us
    DO : a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    IO : the dog
    DO : a stone

    NIM : A 320 11 007
    CLASS : A

    1. The train has arrived.
    S: The train
    P: has arrived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S: The convict
    P: collapse
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S: The man in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officers
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S: Honesty
    P: is the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S: New theories
    P: often sound
    C: promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignment.
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment
    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S: Not many people master
    P: political
    O: sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instruction.
    S: The students
    P : did not understand
    O: the instruction
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S: My friend
    P: sent
    IO: me
    DO: some postcard
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S: We
    P borrow
    IO: him
    DO: some books
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S: They
    P: bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone


    Name : Sylvia Indah Arlita
    NIM : A320110076
    Class : C

    1. The train has arrived.
    S: The train
    P: has arrived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    S: The plane
    P: Is taking off
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S: The convict
    P: collapse
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S: The man in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officers
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S: Honesty
    P: is the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often sound
    C: promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignment
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment
    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people master
    P: political
    O: sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instruction
    S: The students
    P : did not understand
    O: the instruction
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S: my friend
    P: sent
    IO: me
    DO: some postcard
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S: we
    P borrow
    IO: him
    DO: some books
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S: they
    P: bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  63. Assigment structure 1
    NAMA : Sri Lestari
    NIM : A320110022
    KELAS: A
    1. The train has arrived
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S : the cnvict
    P : collapsed
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S : honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S : new theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments
    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S : Not many people master
    P : political
    O : sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO: some postcards
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S : we
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some book
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S : they
    P : bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  64. Assigment structure 1
    NIM : A320110023
    KELAS: A
    1. The train has arrived
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S : the cnvict
    P : collapsed
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S : honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S : new theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments
    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S : Not many people master
    P : political
    O : sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO: some postcards
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S : we
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some book
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S : they
    P : bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  65. Assigment structure 1
    NAMA : husein yusuf
    NIM : A320110026
    1. The train has arrived
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S : the cnvict
    P : collapsed
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S : honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S : new theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments
    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S : Not many people master
    P : political
    O : sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO: some postcards
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S : we
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some book
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S : they
    P : bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

    NIM : 320110018
    CLASS :A

    1. The train has arrived.
    S :The train
    P :has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off.
    S :The Plane
    P :is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed.
    S :The convict
    P :collapsed

    4.The man is a political criminal.
    S :The man
    P :is
    C :a politicial criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S :The people in the meeting
    P :are
    C :police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy.
    S :Honesty
    P :is
    C :the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising.
    S :New theories
    Adv :often
    P :sound
    C :promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments.
    S :The students
    P :have just finished
    O :their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences.
    S :Not many people
    P :master
    O :political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions.
    S :The students
    P :did not understand
    O :the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics.
    S :Some people
    P :hate
    O :politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards.
    S :My friend
    P :sent
    I.O :me
    D.O :some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books.
    S :We
    P :borrow
    I.O :him
    D.O :some books

    14.They bought us a new computer.
    S :They
    P :bought
    I.O :us
    D.O :a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S :The boy
    P :threw
    O :the dog
    C :a stone

  67. Name : Wulan Septikawati
    NIM : A320 110 017
    CLASS : A

    1.The train has arrived
    S : The train
    P : has arrived
    2.The plane is taking off
    S : The plane
    P : is taking off
    3.The convict collapsed
    S : The convict
    P : collapsed
    4.The man is political criminal
    S : The man
    P : is
    C : political criminal
    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S : The people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officer
    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : Honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy
    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : New theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising
    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments
    9.Not many people master political science
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political science
    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instruction
    11.Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some books
    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : bought
    IO : me
    DO : a new computer
    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    IO : the dog
    DO : a stone

  68. Name: Sheila Yolanda Pradya A.
    Nim : A320110006
    Class : A

    1. The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P :has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S:The plane
    P: is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: Collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S: The man
    P: is a political
    C: criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officers
    S: The people
    P: in the meeting
    C: are police officers

    6. Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is the best
    C: policy

    7. New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising

    8. The students have just finished their assignments
    S: The students
    P: have just finished
    O: Their assignments

    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S: Not many people
    P: master political
    O: sciences

    10. The students did not understand the instructions
    S: The students
    P: did not understand
    O: the instructions

    11. Some people hate politics
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics

    12. My friend sent me some postcards
    S: My friend
    P: sent
    O: me
    DO: some postcards

    13. We borrow him some books
    S: We
    P: borrow
    DO: some books

    14. They bought us a new computer
    S: They
    P: bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer

    15. The boy threw the dog a stone
    S: The boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  69. Task 1
    NIM : A320110030
    CLASS : A

    1. The train has arrived.
    s:The train
    p:Has arrived

    2. The Plane is taking off.
    s:The plane
    p:is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed.
    s:The convict

    4. The man is a political criminal.
    s:The man
    c:a political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    s:The people in the meeting
    c:police officers

    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    c:the best policy

    7. New theories often sound promising.
    s:New theories
    p:often sound

    8. The students have just finished their assignment.
    s:The students
    P:have just finished
    o:their assignment

    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    s:Not many people
    o:political sciences

    10. The students did not understand the instruction.
    s:The students
    p:did not understand
    o:the instructions

    11. Some people hate politic.
    s:Some people

    12. My friend sent me some postcard.
    s :My friend
    p :sent
    do:some postcard

    13. We borrow him some books.
    s :We
    p :borrow
    do:some books

    14. They bought us a new computer.
    s :They
    p :bought
    do:a new computer

    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    s :The boy
    p :threw
    io:the dog
    do:a stone

  70. 1. the train has arrived
    S : The train
    P : Has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : The plane
    P : Is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed
    S : The convict
    P : collapsed

    4. the man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal

    5.The people the meeting are police officers
    S : The people
    P : the meeting
    C : police office
    6. Honesty is the best policy
    S : Honesty
    P : is
    C : The best policy

    7. New theories often sound promising
    S : New theories
    P : Often sound
    C : Promising

    8. the students have just finished their assingnments
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assingnments

    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people Master
    P : Political
    O : sciences

    10. The students did not unnderstand the instractions
    S : the students
    P : did not understand
    O : instractions

    11. some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12. My friend sent me some postcards
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    O : Me
    C : some postcards

    13. We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    O : him
    C : some books

    14. They bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : bought
    I : us
    D : a new computer

    15. They boy threw the dog a stone
    S : They boy
    P : threw
    I : the dog
    D : a stone

    NIM : A 320110087

    1.The train has arrived
    S : the train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : the plane
    P : is
    C : taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : honesty
    C : is the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : new theories
    P : OFTEN sound
    C : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friend
    P : sent
    D.O : me
    I.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    D.O : him
    I.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    D.O. : us
    I.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    D.O. : the dog
    I.O. : a stone

  72. Nama : Adhe lelyana Kp
    Nim : A320.11.00.13
    kelas : A

    1. The train has arrived
    S : The train
    P : has arrived

    2. The plane is taking off
    S : The plane
    P : is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed
    S : The convict
    P : collapsed

    4. the man is a political criminal
    S : The man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officer
    S : The people
    P : in the meeting
    C : Are police officer

    6. Honesty is the best policy
    S : Honesty
    P : Is
    C : the best policy

    7. new theories often sound promising
    S : New theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising

    8. The new students have just finished their assignments
    S : the new students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master political
    O : sciences

    10. The students did not understand the instructions
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instruction

    11. Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12. My friend sent me some postcard
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    O : me
    C : some postcard

    13. We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    O : him
    C : some books

    14. They Bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : Bought
    I : us
    D : a new computer

    15. They boy threw the dog a stone
    S : They boy
    P : threw
    I : the dog
    D : a stone

  73. Name : Evi Monica Sari
    NIM : A320110088
    Class : C

    1. The train has arrived
    S: The Train
    P: has arrived

    2. The palne is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapse

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officers
    S: The people is meeting
    P: are
    C: police officers

    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S: honesty
    P: is
    C: the last policy

    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising

    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S: The student
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignmnet

    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S: not many people
    P: master
    O: political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions.
    S: The student
    P: did not
    O: understand the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics.
    S: Some people
    P: hate
    O: politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO: me
    DO: some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books.
    S : We
    P : Borrow
    IO: him
    DO: some books

    14.They bought us a new computer.
    S : They
    P : bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

    NIM: A320110009
    CLASS: A

    1.The train has arrived.
    S: The Train
    P: has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off.
    S:The plane
    P:is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed.
    S:The convict

    4.The man is a political criminal.
    S:The man
    P:is political

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S:The people
    P:in the meeting
    C:are police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy.
    P:is the best

    7.New theories often sound promising.
    S:New teoris
    C:sound promosing

    8.The students have just finished their
    S:The student
    P:have just finished
    O:their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences.
    S:Not many people
    P:master political

    10.The students did not understand the instructions.
    S:The students
    P:did not understand
    O:the intructions

    11.Some people hate politics.
    S:Some people

    12.My friend sent me some postcards.
    S:My friend
    DO:some postcard

    13.We borrow him some books.
    DO: some books

    14.They bought us a new computer.
    DO:a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S:The boy
    IO:the dog
    DO:a stone

  75. NAMA : Akhmad Kusaeri
    NIM : A 320110065
    CLASS : C

    1.The train has arrived
    S : the train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : the plane
    P : is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed

    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : the man
    P : is
    o : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    O : police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : honesty
    P : is
    O : the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : new theories
    adV : often
    P : sound
    C : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : the students
    P : have finished
    C : just
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    C : Not many people master political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : the students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : some people
    P : hate
    C : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : my friends
    P : sent
    I.O : me
    D.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : we
    P : borrow
    I.O : him
    D.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : they
    P : bought
    I.O. : us
    D.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    O : the dog
    C : a stone

    NIM :A320110011

    1.The train has arrived
    S: the train
    P: has arrived
    2. The plane is taking off
    s: The plane
    P: is
    c: taking off
    3The convict collapsed
    S: the convict
    P: collapsed
    4.The man is a political criminal
    S: the man
    P: is
    c: political criminal
    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    s: the people
    p: are
    c: police officers
    6. honesty in the best policy
    S: honesty
    P: the best policy
    7 new theories often some promising
    S: new theoris
    P: often
    O: some promising
    8: The students have just finished their assignment
    S: the students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment
    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S: not many people
    P: master
    O: political sciences
    10. The student did not understand the intructions
    S: the student
    P: did not understand
    O: the intructions
    11. some people hate politics
    S: some people
    P: hate
    O: politics
    12. my friend sent me some postcards
    S: my friend
    P: sent
    iO: me
    13. We borrow him some books
    S: We
    P: Borrow
    do: some book
    14. They bought us a new computer
    S: They
    P: Bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. the boy threw the dog a stone
    S: the boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  77. Nama : Maulina Indah Aninda
    NIM : A320110016
    Kelas: A

    1.The train has arrived
    S : The train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : The plane
    P : is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S : The convict
    P : collapsed

    4.The man is political criminal
    S : The man
    P : is
    C : political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S : The people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : Honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : New theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political science
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political science

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : bought
    IO : us
    DO : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    IO : the dog
    DO : a stone

  78. Nama: Ambar Ratna Sari
    NIM: A.320110093
    Kelas: 1D
    1. the train has arrived.
    s: the train
    p: has arrived
    2. the plane is taking off.
    s: the plane
    p: is taking off
    3. the convict collapsed.
    s: the convics
    p: collapsed
    4. the man is a political criminal
    s: the man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal
    5. the people in the meeting are police officers.
    S: the people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officers
    6. honesty is the best policy.
    S: honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy
    7. new theories often sound promising.
    S: new theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S: the students
    P: have just finished
    O: their assigment
    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S: not many people
    P: master political
    O: sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S; the students
    P: did not understand
    O: the instructions
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S: some people
    P: hate
    O: politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S: my friend
    P: sent
    IO: me
    DO: some postcards
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S: we
    P: borrow
    IO: him
    DO: some books
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S: they
    P: bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S: the boy
    P: threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  79. Name : Ratna Dewi Haqsari
    NIM : A320110100
    Class : D

    1. The train has arrived.
    S :The train
    P :has
    C :arrived

    2.The plane is taking off.
    S :The Plane
    P :is
    C :taking off

    3.The convict collapsed.
    S :The convict
    P :collapsed

    4.The man is a political criminal.
    S :The man
    P :is
    C :a politicial criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S :The people in the meeting
    P :are
    C :police officers

    6.Honesty is the best policy.
    S :Honesty
    P :is
    C :the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising.
    S :New theories
    Adv :often
    P :sound
    C :promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments.
    S :The students
    P :have just finished
    C :their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences.
    S :Not many people
    P :master
    C :political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions.
    S :The students
    P :did not
    C :understand the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics.
    S :Some people
    P :hate
    C :politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards.
    S :My friend
    P :sent
    I.O :me
    D.O :some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books.
    S :We
    P :borrow
    I.O :him
    D.O :some books

    14.They bought us a new computer.
    S :They
    P :bought
    I.O :us
    D.O :a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S :The boy
    P :threw
    O :the dog
    C :a stone

  80. Name: Widyantoro
    NIM:A. 320110042
    Class: B
    1. The train has arrived
    S : The train
    P : has arrived

    2. The plane is taking off
    S : The plane
    P : is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed
    S : The convict
    P : collapsed

    4. the man is a political criminal
    S : The man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officer
    S : The people
    P : in the meeting
    C : Are police officer

    6. Honesty is the best policy
    S : Honesty
    P : Is
    C : the best policy

    7. new theories often sound promising
    S : New theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising

    8. The new students have just finished their assignments
    S : the new students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9. Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master political
    O : sciences

    10. The students did not understand the instructions
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instruction

    11. Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12. My friend sent me some postcard
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    O : me
    C : some postcard

    13. We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    O : him
    C : some books

    14. They Bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : Bought
    I : us
    D : a new computer

    15. They boy threw the dog a stone
    S : They boy
    P : threw
    I : the dog
    D : a stone

  81. NAMA :Edy Sunarto
    NIM : A320110049
    1. The train has arrived
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    2. The plane is taking off.
    s : the train
    p : has arived
    3. The convict collapsed.
    S : the cnvict
    P : collapsed
    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal
    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S : honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy
    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S : new theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising
    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments
    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S : Not many people master
    P : political
    O : sciences
    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions
    11. Some people hate politics.
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics
    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO: some postcards
    13. We borrow him some books.
    S : we
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some book
    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S : they
    P : bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer
    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

    NIM A320110108
    Class D

    1.The train has arrived
    S : The train
    P : has arrived

    2.The plane is taking off
    S : The plane
    P : is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal
    S : The man
    P : is
    o : a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officers
    S : The people in the meeting
    P : are
    O : police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S : Honesty
    P : is
    O : the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S : New theories
    P : sound
    C : often promising

    8.The students have just finished their assignments
    S : The students
    P : have finished
    C : just
    O : their assignments

    9.Not many people master political sciences
    S : Not many people
    P : master
    O : political sciences

    10.The students did not understand the instructions
    S : The students
    P : did not undrestand
    O : the instructions

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    C : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : My friends
    P : sent
    I.O : me
    D.O : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    I.O : him
    D.O : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : bought
    I.O. : us
    D.O : a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    O : the dog
    C : a stone

  83. NAMA : Rinda pangestika sadono
    NIM : A 320 11 0025
    KELAS : A

    1. The train has arrived
    S: The train
    P: has arrived

    2. The plane is taking off
    S: The plane
    P: is taking off

    3.The convict collapsed
    S: The convict
    P: collapsed

    4.The man is a political crimimal
    S: The man
    P: is
    C: a political criminal

    5.The people in the meeting are police officer
    S: The people in the meeting
    P: are
    C: police officer

    6.Honesty is the best policy
    S: Honesty
    P: is
    C: the best policy

    7.New theories often sound promising
    S: New theories
    P: often
    C: sound promising

    8.The new student have just finished their assignment
    S: The new student
    P: have just finished
    O: their assignment

    9.Not many people master political science
    S: Not many people
    P: master
    O: political science

    10.The student did not understand the instruction
    S: The student
    P: did not understand
    O: the instruction

    11.Some people hate politics
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12.My friend sent me some postcards
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO :me
    DO : some postcards

    13.We borrow him some books
    S : We
    P : borrow
    IO :him
    DO : some books

    14.They bought us a new computer
    S : They
    P : bought
    IO : us
    DO: a new computer

    15.The boy threw the dog a stone
    S : The boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  84. nama : Rosanti Dwi Septiyani
    NIM : A 320110003
    kelas: 1A

    1. The train has arrived.
    s : the train
    p : has arived

    2. The plane is taking off.
    s : the train
    p : is taking off

    3. The convict collapsed.
    S : the convict
    P : collapsed

    4. The man is a political criminal.
    S : the man
    P : is
    C : a political criminal

    5. The people in the meeting are police officers.
    S : the people in the meeting
    P : are
    C : police officers.

    6. Honesty is the best policy.
    S : honesty
    P : is
    C : the best policy

    7. New theories often sound promising.
    S : new theories
    P : often sound
    C : promising

    8. The students have just finished their assignments.
    S : The students
    P : have just finished
    O : their assignments

    9. Not many people master political sciences.
    S : Not many people master
    P : political
    O : sciences

    10. The students did not understand the instructions.
    S : The students
    P : did not understand
    O : the instructions

    11. Some people hate politics.
    S : Some people
    P : hate
    O : politics

    12. My friend sent me some postcards.
    S : My friend
    P : sent
    IO : me
    DO: some postcards

    13. We borrow him some books.
    S : we
    P : borrow
    IO : him
    DO : some book

    14. They bought us a new computer.
    S : they
    P : bought
    IO: us
    DO: a new computer

    15. The boy threw the dog a stone.
    S : the boy
    P : threw
    IO: the dog
    DO: a stone

  85. NAME: ardi eksanusi
    NIM : A320110053
    CLASS: B
    1. the train has arrived
    s: the train
    p: has arrived
    2. the plane is taking off
    s: the plane
    p: is taking off
    3. the convict collapsed
    s: the convict
    p: collapsed
    4. the man is a political criminal
    s: the man
    p: is
    c: a political criminal
    5. the people in the meeting are police officers
    s: the people in the meeting
    p: are
    c: police officers
    6. honesty is the best policy
    s: honesty
    p: is
    c: the best policy
    7. new theories often sound promising
    s: new theories
    p: often
    c: sound promising
    8. the students have just finished their assignments
    s: the student
    p: have just finished
    o: their assignments
    9. not many people master political sciences
    s: not many people
    p: master
    o: political sciences
    10. the students did not understand the instructions
    s: the students
    p: did not understand
    o: the instructions
    11. some people hate politics
    s: some people
    p: hate
    o: politics
    12. my friend sent me some postcards
    s: my friend
    p: sent
    io: me
    do: some postcards
    13. we borrow him some books
    s: we
    p: borrow
    io: him
    do: some books
    14. they bought us a new computer
    s: they
    p: bought
    io: us
    do: a new computer
    15. the boy threw the dog a stone
    s: the boy
    p: threw
    io: the dog
    do: a stone
